Sunday, September 5, 2010

Summer is Coming to an End

Well, it is Labor Day weekend and for most that means the end of summer fun. Yup, this weekend is the last hurrah full of excessive drinking (every American holiday seems to involve some sort of alcohol), sun tans, and grilled dead animal flesh. Yum.

But for me on this Sunday it is just my animals and my lonesome self hanging out in the living room with the Poltergeist movie in the background.
Also in the background is my new hamster chewing on his cage, time to get him some of those hamster sticks and a mineral wheel, he already has a salt one. My partner and I adopted him last week from the same shelter where we adopted Max.  Initially we set out to adopt a pair of bonded Siberians but once there, we saw big fat Hans and had to have him. Upon seeing the Siberians attack a shelter volunteer my partner promptly said "I don't want to go through that again." and moved on to look at other hamsters.

 He was referring to our first pet together, a Siberian named Stalin. I miss that little guy. He was the smallest hamster in the cage at the pet store (this was before I realized that hamsters get dropped off at shelters/rescues) being picked on by other bigger hamsters.
Do not be fooled by his small size.  I may or may not have given him a mustache.
Oh noes! Carol Ann was just sucked into the TV!
Anyway, back to Labor Day, this is the day most moms are double checking all of their children's school supplies, picking out their outfits, packing their lunches. This is the day when introverted kids get that horrible anxious feeling in their tummeh which will reach its peak Tuesday morning that will render them vomit y and weepy. Dads are...I'm not sure what Dads are doing.
I am happy that summer is ending. It is my least favorite season, my favorite being fall. It is the season of warm apple cider, jeans, jackets, rich colors, wonderful smells, and the perfect kind of temperature. Of course, living where I do, I won't be able to enjoy the cooler temps for another month or so.  I guess I better go buy more razors.
Oh yeah, Poltergeist update, I stopped watching it, House Hunters all the way.