I saw a woman with a "I brake for lighthouses." bumper sticker. Unfortunately I couldn't snap a pic but I will do a drawing of it. Actually, it is an improvement on it. The original was no where this awesome.
I also saw this:
It was fun to stare at while riding in the car. *sarcasm
This one was even better:
Because nothing makes me want to get on a long distance travel bus more than a weird driver cartoon.
It wasn't all driving though, I made some phone calls:
Potato phone gets great reception.
Looked at some art:
What does that pear look like? It is on the tip of my....
But I also saw breathtaking scenery. My camera didn't do any of the views justice.
Arcadia National Park, Maine
View from Olana: Estate of artist Frederic Edwin Church (New York)
All in all, a great trip. I just wish it was longer.
Nice pics